New Release​

77 Questions Before You Say “YES”

With the alarming divorce rate of over 50%- a trend that does not seem to be slowing down something needs to be done to arrest the situation. After years of counselling hundreds of people, I have noticed that one of the common themes in failing relationships is the fact that many people only realize later that they did not know their partners well enough before marriage. The problem is that most people do not ask enough critical questions before committing to a relationship. This book is designed to help you identify and ask the most important questions relevant to better deciding who to settle down with, thus enjoying your relationship for a lifetime.


About the Author

Samuel is an entrepreneur and the best author with a passion for helping people in business and helping others with their relationships. He is currently a Career Counselor with the US Military.

Samuel has been helping people with relationship problems worldwide, and the testimonies from the few who have been helped have been very inspiring. Samuel has an associate degree in Accounting from the University of Ghana and obtained a second degree in Finance from Columbia Southern University.

He is currently the CEO of More Profitable Than Gold LLC. In addition to his business endeavours, he is a motivational speaker and Sales and Marketing trainer. He also mentors over thirty youth and young Entrepreneurs Worldwide.

Samuel Amartey Amarh

Entrepreneur, Counsellor, Writer and Speaker.​

Upcoming Book​

Samuel has developed a workbook to help people utilize the book for the intended purpose. The workbook follows the structure of the main book, giving readers a chance to dialogue with their partners following the questions in the book.

We hope couples will be more intimate with their hopes and dreams to better align their plans for the future. Honesty and openness are imperative to effectively using the book and workbooks.

We hope relationships will be strengthened and transformed into lifelong commitments between accepting and like-minded couples.

What Readers Are Saying​

Here are some reviews from readers who have had the pleasure of reading
“77 Questions Before You Say YES”